The Régordan Way - Camin Régourdan

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Source: Havang

223 km
1577 m

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567 views | Public | French

Last verified: 8 December 2022

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Saint-Gilles was the boarding point for the holy land. At that time, the Camin Romiou (the Rome road) and the Camin Régourdan (The Régordan Way) carried thousands of the devout on one of christianity's most important pilgrimages. To take the Régordan Way today is to discover these old spiritual paths and to cross lands filled with legends such as those of William of Orange and the Charroi de Nîmes, the Mandarin brigands and the Gévaudan beast, Monsieur Seguin's goat or Peter and the wolf.

This road leads from the Santiago de Compostella center of Le Puy-en-Velay to Saint-Gilles-du-Gard.

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