Burgundy Canal Tour: Stage 13: Auxerre to St Florentin

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44.8 km
136 m

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The route from Auxere to Migennes is not way marked.

Ride on the LHS of the Canal to Moneteau where you should cross the bridge and carry on cycling up the RHS of the canal.

We followed tracks to beyond Gurgy, where, from lack of time, took the road route through Chemilly to Migennes.

I do not think this is the necessarily the best route.

From Migennes the towpath is in good condition and can be cycled to St Florentin (and Dijon)

We stayed in the Hotel Les Tilleuls (my only complaint that a small beer cost 5 Euro).

We had another exellent meal on the terrace - a fitting end to a great tour.

I would strongly recommend this tour.


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