Devil's Gorge

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15.3 km
352 m

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15579 views | Public | DutchGerman

Last verified: 21 April 2023
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The route of this hike was cleaned on 27.07.2022. I don't know if it's still up to date.

Beautiful, sporty, varied walk in the South Eifel Nature Park. The hike starts at one of the many hiking parking lots that exist in this area. There is a lot to see during this tour. Normally we do about 3 hours over 15 km, for this hike we had 6 hours. There are some height differences that are overcome with stairs. Many rock formations with a rather bizarre view serve as a backdrop. The name of the hike reveals the passage through the Devil's Gorge, after which we descend to "Ernzen", where we get about 1.4 km of paved road. We also get to see the rock pond. This is a group of rock formations connected by galleries. We didn't go through because we want to pick them up for another walk. There are also beautiful views over 'Echternach' and the 'Sauertal'. We also pass by the beautiful Liborius Chapel.


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