Hünningen-Büllingen (long variant)

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7.2 km
77 m

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1710 views | Public | DutchFrench

Last verified: 21 April 2023
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Description by the author

Starting from B&B Silberhütte, you descend along the outskirts of the village to the lowest point of Hünningen. There you connect to the marked Blue Diamond Road and continue to Warche and Honsveld. In the middle of the fields you cross the Warche. Approaching Honsfeld, you leave the road with the blue window (which first passes through the center of Honsfeld) and do not pass under the railway bridge, but turn right into the road and change shortly after to the Vennbahn. You follow this old railway (now a bike path in its own bed) to resume a little further on the road with the blue window in the direction of Büllingen, still following the Warche.
Easy walk, widely paved, along beautiful open panoramas. Very quiet roads but not completely without traffic.


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