Cycle route around Lemelerveld

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29.2 km
143 m

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2982 views | Public | Dutch

Last verified: 19 April 2023
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Description by the author

Start: TOP - location (Tourist Transfer Point) on the Kroonplein of Lemelerveld.

Abbreviations used:
RD - straight ahead, RA - right, LA - left, KR - intersection, RW - turn signal.

Start TOP, r.d. Blikman Kikkertweg, past Brugkerk(1), l.a. at pedestrian bridge over the canal, r.a. into the Kerkstraat along the Hofje van Buisman(2), continue Kerkstraat until the next bridge l.a. Ommerweg, 2nd road r.a. the Lemelerberg (3), at next kr. r.d. Hellendoornse weg, after 300 m r.a. de Glinthaar, 2nd junction l.a. Valkweg, this road turns into a cycle path, follow it to the Overijssels kanaal(4), cross the canal and follow the cycle path towards Luttenberg, end of cycle path r.a., after 500 meters end of road l.a. Steenhaarweg, after 1.5 km r.a. cycle path Boksloot-Eelerberg, end cycle path r.a. Nieuwe Twentseweg(5), end Nieuwe Twentse weg l.a. and immediately continue r.a. the Oude Twentseweg, after about 3 km r.a. Veenweg, up to the N 348 r.a. Zennipweg(6), 1st road r.a. Border Road(7), l.a. Heideparkweg, end of road before bridge l.a. Blikman Kikkertweg(8), l.a. Swimming pool lane(9), end of cycle path r.a. Nieuwstraat, at driesprong (10)/Dorpsstraat r.d., end Dorpsstraat back on the triple jump.

This cycle route is made possible by:
- Lemelerveld Business Association
- Local Interest Lemelerveld - Dalmsholte


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