Onthaalkerk Onze-Lieve-Vrouw

This church, dating in large part from the 13th century, is a good example of the Scaldian Gothic style. It is remarkable for its tower of bricks that soars up 122m high.
As for the baptistery, bracketed to the north side of the tower, it is an aged porch nicknamed ‘Paradise’ (1465) with wide windows, intertwined arcatures in flamboyant Gothic style, an openwork balustrade surrounding the roof. The interior of the church presents a great 72 m long nave. A triforium with alternating supports, blind alcoves with spacers and a choir with an elegant vault with ogive are characteristics of the Scaldian Gothic style.
This church is a real museum with numerous paintings, retables and sculptures. The jewel of the church is found in the chapel of the Virgin: the ‘Virgin and Child’ masterpiece in white marble by Michelangelo (1504) attracts all gazes.
The choir contains the mausoleums of Charles the Bold and his daughter Mary of Burgundy.
At last, this church is a welcome church, where volunteers are present to listen to you, with a warm heart.


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