Abbey of the Holy Cross

The Abbey of the Holy Cross in Rostock, Germany, was founded in the 13th century by Cistercian nuns. It is the only fully preserved abbey in the city. The complex includes the former abbey church which is used today as the University Church . The remaining former convent buildings house the Museum of Cultural History for the city of Rostock.

The nunnery was founded by the Danish Queen Margaret Sambiria in 1270. According to legend, she founded the abbey in gratitude for a miraculous rescue at sea. She made large donations to the abbey. She died in 1282 and was buried at Doberan Abbey in Bad Doberan which belonged to the Cistercian Order. The abbey gained extensive estates in Rostock and also in the whole of Mecklenburg as a result of donations, endowments and bequests. The nuns came mostly from wealthy families in Rostock. The nunnery was very popular and even had to place restrictions on entry in the 14th century. The abbey church was completed in 1360.



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Rostock, Alemania

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