Holkham Hall

Fuente: paul c

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 2.0

Holkham Hall is an 18th-century country house located adjacent to the village of Holkham, Norfolk, England. The house was constructed in the Palladian style for the 1st Earl of Leicester by the architect William Kent, aided by the architect and aristocrat Lord Burlington.

Holkham Hall is one of England's finest examples of the Palladian revival style of architecture, and the severity of its design is closer to Palladio's ideals than many of the other numerous Palladian style houses of the period. The Holkham Estate was built up by Sir Edward Coke, the founder of his family's fortune. He bought Neales manor in 1609, though never lived there, and made many other purchases of land in Norfolk to endow to his six sons. His fourth son, John, inherited the land and married heiress Meriel Wheatley in 1612. They made Hill Hall their home, and by 1659, John had complete ownership of all three Holkham manors. It is the ancestral home of the Coke family, who became Earls of Leicester.


Fuente: Wikipedia.org

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

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Holkham, North Norfolk, Reino Unido

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Fuente: paul c

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 2.0

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Holkham Hall

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Holkham Hall

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Holkham Hall

Fuente: paul c

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 2.0

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