Hunterston Castle

Fuente: Dreamer84

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 2.5

Hunterston Castle, West Kilbride, North Ayrshire, Scotland is the historic home of the lairds of Clan Hunter. The keep dates from the late 15th, or early 16th centuries, while the attached manor house is of the 17th century. The estate was granted to the Hunters by David I of Scotland in the 12th century, and the heads of the clan have lived on the estate for the following 900 years. The castle is a Category A listed building.

The original Hunters were Norman French in origin, who were granted the lands around Hunterston by King David I in the 12th century. In the Middle Ages, the chief of Clan Hunter was granted the hereditary title of Royal Huntsman. The family has owned the castle ever since, although much of the estate was compulsorily purchased by the government in the 20th century to enable the construction of the Hunterston A and Hunterston B nuclear power stations.



Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

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Fuente: Dreamer84

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 2.5

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Fuente: Dreamer84

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 2.5

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