The Kakyerie

The name of this old inn is special to say the least. It was known under the name of "Kakirie", "Kakeyrie" or "The Laughing Cats". This name probably comes from the term "kakillerie", a distortion of "castillerie", which in the 15th century was the word used for a fortified house. This walled group of buildings from the 16th and 17th centuries, located at the exit to the town, consists of a long group of houses bordering the roadside, as well as outbuildings distributed around a flagstone courtyard alongside what today is the railway line. These houses are on two levels, the first made from limestone rubble and the second in brick and limestone, with a slate roof. A tower, built from the same materials and with a polygonal roof, is in the left-hand corner of the building, next to the road. The entrance, dating from the first half of the 16th century, is topped by an arch with mouldings resting on uprights sculpted with male and female heads. Set off-centre from there is an arched niche housing two plaster cats, which could be one of the interpretations of the building's name. The windows on either side of the entrance bear traces of alterations and additions from the 19th century, although some still retain their ogee lintel. The windows on the first level, which have also been modified, date from the 17th century. The roof trusses are lit by some oculus windows.
Building listed on 1st August 1933


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