Prime meridian

Source: Juan Emilio Prades Bel

Droits d'auteur: Creative Commons 4.0

The prime meridian is a geographical reference line that passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in London, England. It was first established by Sir George Airy in 1851, and by 1884, over two-thirds of all ships and tonnage used it as the reference meridian on their charts and maps. In October of that year, at the behest of US President Chester A. Arthur, 41 delegates from 25 nations met in Washington, D.C., United States, for the International Meridian Conference. This conference selected the meridian passing through Greenwich as the official prime meridian due to its popularity. However, France abstained from the vote, and French maps continued to use the Paris meridian for several decades. In the 18th century, London lexicographer Malachy Postlethwayt published his African maps showing the "Meridian of London" intersecting the Equator a few degrees west of the later meridian and Accra, Ghana.
The plane of the prime meridian is parallel to the local gravity vector at the Airy transit circle of the Greenwich observatory. The prime meridian was therefore long symbolised by a brass strip in the courtyard, now replaced by stainless steel, and since 16 December 1999, it has been marked by a powerful green laser shining north across the London night sky.



Droits d'auteur: Creative Commons 3.0

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Greenwich, Royaume-Uni

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Source: Juan Emilio Prades Bel

Droits d'auteur: Creative Commons 4.0

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Source: Juan Emilio Prades Bel

Droits d'auteur: Creative Commons 4.0

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