Ejer Bavnehøj

Risorsa: Viggo Rasmussen

Diritti d'autore: Creative Commons 3.0

It lies in the southern part of Skanderborg municipality, between the villages of Riis and Ejer.At its summit is a 13 m tall tower, built in 1924, commemorating the reunion of the south of Jutland with the rest of Denmark after the First World War.Close to Ejer Bavnehøj lies Yding Skovhøj, another high point, with a height of 172.66 m above sea level but this includes a human built Bronze Age burial mound. Without the Bronze Age mound Yding Skovhøj is a little lower than Denmark's highest non-man-made point, Møllehøj, which is 170.86 m high, 51 cm higher than Ejer Bavnehøj.


Risorsa: Wikipedia.org

Diritti d'autore: Creative Commons 3.0

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Central Jutland, Danimarca

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Ejer Bavnehøj

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Risorsa: Viggo Rasmussen

Diritti d'autore: Creative Commons 3.0

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Ejer Bavnehøj

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Ejer Bavnehøj

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Ejer Bavnehøj

Risorsa: Viggo Rasmussen

Diritti d'autore: Creative Commons 3.0

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