Hotel New York, Pytheas spot of the month

1 abril 2008, 00:00

Autor: RouteYou

Pública | FrancésNeerlandés

Pytheas's choice

Globespot of the month


Every month, we ask somebody to be a modern Pytheas  and tell us something about the most amazing place they have ever experienced, and explain why this is!

Globespot of the month: Hotel New York, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Barbara The Pytheas of this month is Frank Ostyn. It's hard to define on which continent he spends most of his time: Europe or North-America. His story telling talent embraces mediaeval knight legends, romantic poetry, the many anecdotes he experienced,... to name only a few.

And since a few years, he also developed his skills as a very watchful photographer. He has some great picture galeries where you can enjoy his talent. Check it out here, or at

This time, he picked Hotel New York as his Pytheas spot and tells you why.

Frank! Thanks for sharing this experience and Pytheas spot with us!   

Here is his story:

Hotel New York
Source picture: Wikipedia
A long time ago, in a Hotel Land far, far away…  I decided to set up camp in Hotel NY. Contradictory to what the name suggests, Hotel NY is Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.  Over time, I became a regular guest, getting to know the hotel and its staff quite well.

You can check the hotel website ( ) and discover its charm yourself. In short, the building comes with a long tradition and there is a thriving bar and restaurant.

So it happened, on one evening in 2003, that I left home for Rotterdam, planning to meet some friends at the bar of the hotel. In addition, I did carry my camera gear as for this occasion; I finally managed to book the Tower Room.

In Hotel Land, that room comes with a reputation, for different reasons and with a different hotel gnome, a small and mysterious creature meets your needs and desires.
Hotel New York
Source picture: Wikipedia

View from Hotel New York GPS wandling walk
Source picture: Frank Ostyn
Anouk, the famous Dutch Rock singer has named one of her records after this hotel, some of the album pictures were taken in that room and I always wondered what gnome took care of her.

Hotel New York GPS route wandeling
Source picture: Wikipedia
Arriving at the hotel, carrying suitcase, cameras and tripod, I discovered that this room is only accessible via a small and steep stairway, leading you all the way up to the tower. Imagine a hot day, you are somewhat out of breath but overlooking a gorgeous sight, over the roofs of the hotel, over the river Maas and the Rotterdam Harbour.

When I tried the key, it did not work. One second later, I heard the noise and she started screaming:


I froze.


 In a split second, I realized the loud noise was a whiplash and the screaming…

At that stage, I suspect myself of mixing fantasy with reality, so please bear no trust in the further report of your humble travel reporter. But it did learn me something about the man that I am. I chickened out. Instead of grasping for my camera and forcing an entry, rescuing a promiscuous maiden in pain or pleasure, I used my cell phone to check in with reception. They were not aware of ANY problem in ANY of the Tower Rooms…

Embarrassed and hot, very hot, I did climb down from the maiden’s Tower Room and managed to find mine.

Fortunately, it did come with a colourful hotel gnome as well. Mine was a little photographer. I guess I was lucky… and once I assumed position, it became a pleasant experience. Till this day, I recommend hotel New York and its colourful hotel gnomes to all curious travellers. Your perspective on the river Maas will never be the same.
Hotel New York Frank Ostyn
Source Picture: Frank Ostyn

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