Springhouse Middle School

Springhouse Middle School [SMS] was built in 1971 as Parkland School District’s second junior high school for grades six, seven, and eight with a building of approximately 150,000 square feet (14,000 m2) located on 54 acres (220,000 m2). When the new high school opened in 1999, the school restructured its programming to meet the needs of the middle school learner and serviced grades six through eight. The school was renovated in 2007 at cost of $21 million dollars. The existing space was redesigned and about 100,000 square feet (9,300 m2) added so to accommodate growth in the southern part of Parkland School District. The current Springhouse middle school has a vast department of different things to learn that range from Math to Reading, Social Studies to Science, and Language Arts. They also have exploratory classes as well such as Art, Chorus, Orchestra, Band, Technology Education (Computers, Woodshop, and Electrical wiring), Info Tech (Keyboard practice), and Family Consumer Sciences (Babysitting, Cooking, and Consumer Resources) and so much more to add as well.


Fuente: Wikipedia.org

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

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