Looking for sights from Het Aanwijs to De Radio in Bulskampveld

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Source: Willem Vandenameele

23,4 km
94 m

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706 vues | Public | allemandcatalanespagnolfrançaisnéerlandais

Dernière vérification: 15 septembre 2023

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With this rather short bike tour we can easily fill half a day . After all, we pass several places that are worth a stop and where we can learn a lot about history . It's kind of a learning curve...

We start at the (free) parking lot Het Aanwijs in Beernem.

Via the Vagevuurbossen we reach some interesting places in Sint-Pietersveld that are worth a stop at node 18, but that's also possible if we pass through here again later (perhaps the best option). We see the fish pond with a swallow hut and the boat well of the old seaman's school, now the community institution 'De Zande'.

The tour continues to Sint-Pietersveld Cemetery: the old anchorage with its stories of crashed planes , the Fever Chapel, the cemetery with its Calvary , but also the impressive radio masts are worth a visit.

A refreshment in the brasserie De Radio ? Or wait until Wildenburg?

We continue through the 'Gulke Putten' : Wingene Castle (you know it from the castle murder) is hidden in the forest here, and we return to node 18. If you haven't already, stop here (see above). ).

Through lanes that welcome the flycatcher and past a country chapel , we arrive in Wildenburg . Here is the Sint-Joriskerk , which we will definitely take a look at.

A refreshment in one of the brasseries?

Past the industrial area (no, that's not the 1999 dioxin crisis camp we see in the distance) we reach the Kraaiveldbos and the tranquil Hertsberge. Through the Kruiderie Loca Labora we return to our starting point through the Bulskampveld. We pass the Bornebeek platforms where the Galloway cattle graze, not far from the Beernem Loch and the observation hut, and we pass the lookout tower over the Eendeputten.

Also, check out the sightseeing information while you're there. They tell you what you can see!


Source: Willem Vandenameele


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