To Alcoi by Port of Benifallim and Port of Tudons

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116 km
2 865 m

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1441 vues | Public | espagnolnéerlandais

Dernière vérification: 21 avril 2023
Traduit par Azure

Description par l'auteur

Via Puerto de Finestrat and the ascent to Relleu and the ascent of Alto de Teix, you reach Torremanzanas. From there it is 4.5 km of ascent to the top of the Port of Benifallim. Then you descend to Benifallim and head to the town of Alcoi. You will pass through the city with its beautiful but small central square.
Then you go up again from Alcoi and go along the CV-70 to Benilloba (El Revolcat climb). From there you go to Peñaguila: this road (CV-710) descends very steeply (18%) at one point, the road surface turns to concrete and then climbs very steeply out of the river valley (20%) and then the road surface becomes asphalt again. From Peñaguila you go up to the Port of Tudons. Through Sella and Finestrat you finally reach Benidorm again.

After the descent from the Port of Benifallim you can decide to go to Benifallim instead of heading towards Alcoi. Resume the route in Peñaguila. This makes the route 21 kilometers shorter.

PS: North of Benilloba there are many quiet streets. Instead of heading towards Alcoi, you can also head a little north from Benifallim (e.g. via CV-787, CV-790 and CV-706 to Millena and via Gorga to Peñaguila; or via Benifallim to Gorga and Quatretondeta to Alcoleja) to take some of the many quiet roads that crisscross the area.

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