Temppeliaukio Church

Source: Inhorw

Droits d'auteur: Creative Commons 3.0

Temppeliaukio Church is a Lutheran church in the Töölö neighborhood of Helsinki. The church was designed by architects and brothers Timo and Tuomo Suomalainen and opened in 1969. Built directly into solid rock, it is also known as the Church of the Rock and Rock Church.
Plans for the Temppeliaukio/Tempelplatsen began as early as the 1930s when a plot of land was selected for the building and a competition for the design was held. The plan by J. S. Siren, the winner of the second competition to design the architecture of the church, was interrupted in its early stages when World War II began in 1939. After the war, there was another architectural competition, subsequently won by Timo Suomalainen and Tuomo Suomalainen in 1961. For economic reasons, the suggested plan was scaled back and the interior space of the church then reduced to about one-quarter of its original plan. Construction finally began in February 1968, and the rock-temple was completed for consecration in September 1969.


Source: Wikipedia.org

Droits d'auteur: Creative Commons 3.0

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Source: Inhorw

Droits d'auteur: Creative Commons 3.0

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Source: Inhorw

Droits d'auteur: Creative Commons 3.0

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