Connemara: to the top of the Letterbreckaun

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Source: Britishfinance

Droits d'auteur: Creative Commons 4.0

15,4 km
719 m

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42 vues | Public | néerlandais

Dernière vérification: 19 avril 2023
Traduit par Azure

Description par l'auteur

The top of the Letterbreckaun can be climbed via this track without too difficult technical passages. A few hiking poles and good mountain shoes will suffice. Watch out because there are no official paths, the many sheep make their own paths and that regularly creates confusion. Make sure you have good navigation equipment and try not to deviate too far from the track. Some steep passages, not for people with a fear of heights. The terrain is very varied: peat and peatlands in the lower zones. Above it sometimes looks like a real lunar landscape with many rocks. The views are breathtaking, you can see the entire Connemara, from the Twelve Benns to the Atlantic Ocean. Upstairs, wind, rain, sun and clouds have free rein. After the descent you can walk back via the Western Way to the starting point. Count on at least 5 hours to finish this sublime mountain tour. To be avoided in fog or low cloud cover.

Van Illion, Illion ED, Connacht, Ireland
to Illion ED, Ireland

Routing Manual, Walk - shortest


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