August was busy as never before, but not as busy as July

1 September 2020, 22:00

Autor: RouteYou

Öffentlich | Niederländisch

Traditionally, August is the busiest month of the year in terms of visitors on RouteYou. In 2020, August was more busy than any other August the previous years. 56 % more pages were viewed in the last month compared to last year. And there were 46% more unique visitors.

With 2,391,632 unique visitors you came to search or create routes. Last year there were "only" 1,637,360 unique visitors for the same month.

But August will not be the busiest month this year. That record remains in the month of July. Probably the weather was too hot, and later on too wet in August.

The strongest growing country was Belgium, with + 60% more visits, followed by Germany (+ 53%), UK (+ 53%), France (+ 49%), Switzerland (+ 43%), Spain (+ 37%) and the Netherlands (+ 34%).

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