Datenquelle: Davide Mauro
Urheberrechte: Creative Commons 4.0
The Euryalus Fortress located in the frazione of Belvedere, was the key point in the fortifications of the ancient Greek city of Syracuse. It is located on the highest point of the hill of Epipolae , around 7 km northwest of Syracuse.
During the Athenian invasion of Sicily , the fortress did not yet exist, but the strategic importance of the area was clear; the Athenians initially captured the hill, but their failure to retain it prevented them from effectively besieging the city. The name Euryalus is mentioned by Thucydides in the course of the first Athenian attack on the city. Later in his account, after the reconquest of Epipolae from the Athenians by the Syracusans, a Syracusan garrison on the site is mentioned.
Urheberrechte: Creative Commons 3.0
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Siracusa, Italien
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Datenquelle: Davide Mauro
Urheberrechte: Creative Commons 4.0
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Datenquelle: Davide Mauro
Urheberrechte: Creative Commons 4.0
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