Ringgenberg Castle

Fuente: Krol:k

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

Ringgenberg Castle is a castle in the municipality of Ringgenberg of the Canton of Bern in Switzerland. It is a Swiss heritage site of national significance.
During the Middle Ages, the land around the castle was owned by the Barons of Brienz and Raron. Around 1231, they moved to Ringgenberg village and soon thereafter into the castle. Ringgenberg Castle was probably built in several stages during the 12th century. It first appears in the historical record in 1240.


Fuente: Wikipedia.org

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

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Fuente: Krol:k

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

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Ringgenberg (BE)

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Ringgenberg (BE)

Fuente: Krol:k

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

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