Hill 62

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons

Hill 62 is one of the small hills near Ieper where there was constant heavy fighting. The moment you stand near the memorial on top of the hill, you can see why: there is an excellent view over the city of Ieper. This is was the objective of all the major battles of the war: to win the high ground as a launching pad for breaking through the enemy lines and reaching the coast - the Channel coast for the Germans, the North Sea coast for the Allies.

Hill 62 is one of the few pieces of high ground that remained in Allied possession throughout much of the war. From 2-13 June 1916 the hill fell briefly into German hands following a mine attack, but it was won back at high cost by Canadian troops, whose memorial now stands here.

Hill 62 is so called because it is 62 metres above sea level.

There is a private museum with many artefacts from the war years and also a number of trenches, the authenticity of which is questioned.


Derechos de autor: Creative Commons

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BE | | Pública | AlemánFrancésNeerlandés


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Derechos de autor: Creative Commons

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Derechos de autor: Creative Commons

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