Taylor-Massey Creek

Taylor-Massey Creek is a tributary of the Don River in Toronto, Ontario. It flows through Scarborough and East York, where it enters the Don River. The creek is named after two prominent Toronto families. The Taylors were a wealthy family that owned and operated the Don Valley Brick Works. The Massey family were the owners of the Canadian farm equipment manufacturing company, Massey-Ferguson. Both families owned sizable estates in the vicinity of the creek. The Goulding Estate, a heritage property on Dawes Road was part of the Massey estate. Taylor-Massey Creek has also been called Silver Creek and Scarboro Creek.
Taylor-Massey Creek is 16 kilometres long. Its headwaters are near Sheppard and Victoria Park Avenues. It flowed diagonally through Wishing Well Park and under Highway 401 at Pharmacy Avenue. The original headwaters were diverted to Highland Creek when the highway was widened to 12 lanes, so the creek now starts at a stormwater outfall just south of the highway.


Source: Wikipedia.org

Droits d'auteur: Creative Commons 3.0

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