The Hoëgne promenade

Discover one of the most beautiful rivers born in the heart of the Hautes-Fagnes nature reserve.
The Hoëgne, which is first called "Polleur", finds its source at 660 meters above sea level near the Baraque Michel.
It was the site of an important exploitation of iron ore in past centuries.
The Hoëgne Valley is of remarkable botanical interest for the mosses and ferns that can be observed there.
In 1999, on the occasion of the centenary of the Hoëgne Valley walk, a group of volunteers, from the commune in collaboration with the Nature and Forests Department and the Syndicat d'Initiatives de la Vallée de la Hoëgne in Sart, restored the first part of this famous walk. The section from the Leopold II waterfall to the Centennial Bridge in Hockai remained to be restored.
This superb work was finalized and the walk, which highlights one of our prettiest valleys, was inaugurated on June 11, 2002.


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