
Source: Pascal Brackman

The original main location of the island of Serifos is also called Serifos. Or as the locals call it: "the Chora", or "The village". It is located at the top of a hill. It is not unusual that the traditional main locations on the Aegean islands are not at the coast, although today, that's where most of the activity takes place. And also the biggest growth takes place now in the lower parts of the islands. In older times, it wasn't wise to live "so low" for two main reasons: The first was a safety reason because there was a lot of piracy in these regions. The second reason was a health reason: there was a lot of malaria, and the chance that you got is in lower parts of the islands was much bigger because there was a bigger chance for swampy places and as such mosquitoes carrying the protists (a type of microorganism) causing the disease.

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Serifos, Serifos, Grèce

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Source: Pascal Brackman

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Source: Pascal Brackman

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