Fishermen's houses

Fontán district is a charming fishermen's district, where you will find 18th century houses in perfect condition.
Made up of narrow, irregular streets, in Fontán you will find small traditional fishermen's houses, attached to each other with striking colourful façades.
Despite the seafaring architecture not having a uniform typology, most of the houses were originally two-story buildings with a wooden gallery or balcony upstairs. Although their walls were simple, with the passage of time, the houses of Fontán acquired a modernist air. Incorporating into their façades small reliefs with geometric and floral motifs, and some of them even have amusing coloured glass.
Although Fontán is recognised by its colouring, originally most of the walls were painted white and it was only joinery of the frames and balconies which was tinged with colour, which reportedly was from surplus paint from the boats.
Before you enter the district, we recommend you continue to the right. A few metres away is Fontan Fort (18th century), the emblematic Morazón Beach and the disturbing Cova d'Anca.
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