
Fuente: Goodwillgames

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 4.0

The gate gave its name to the Cripplegate ward of the City which straddles the line of the former wall and gate, a line which continues to divide the ward into two parts: Cripplegate Within and Cripplegate Without, with a beadle and a deputy appointed for each part. Since the 1994 and 2003 boundary changes, most of the ward is Without, with the ward of Bassishaw having expanded considerably into the Within area.

Until World War II, the area approximating to Cripplegate Without was commonly known as simply Cripplegate. The area was almost entirely destroyed in the Blitz of World War II causing the term to fall out of colloquial speech. Cripplegate Without is the site of the Barbican Estate and Barbican Centre, with a small part of these lying in neighbouring Aldersgate Without.



Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

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City of London, Reino Unido

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Fuente: Goodwillgames

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 4.0

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Fuente: Goodwillgames

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 4.0

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