Grimbergen Hut - Mechelen

Source: Willem Vandenameele

The former refuge of Grimbergen is now the parish center of the parish of Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-over-de-Dijle.

It is one of the least known monuments in the center of Mechelen. The history of this building dates back to the 15th century . Grimbergen Abbey , owner since 1426, built there in the 16th-17th centuries. century a new refuge. It served as a residence for itinerant monks and as a collection point for the revenues of the surrounding abbey. Prestige also played a role.

For example, the monumental bluestone entrance gate from 1777 was built at the end of the 18th century. In the courtyard there are two wings in brick and sandstone style from the 16th-17th centuries and one from the 19th century with a neo-Gothic chapel from 1886 (see photos). In that year, the then owner, Count de Buisseret , turned the hostel into a girls' school. In 1916 Mme de Wouters de Bouchout and Miss Dessain founded the Milk Drop, an organization for babies which was later taken over by the National Work for Child Welfare.

The hostel has been used by parishes since 1957 .


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Source: Willem Vandenameele

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Source: Willem Vandenameele

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