Never as many visitors on RouteYou as in August

3 September 2018, 22:00


Author: Dromos

Public | Dutch

Never since our existence did you make, search and use so many routes on RouteYou as during the month of August.

You visited the website almost 2 million times (1.956.524 to be exact) in one month. And those visits were done by just under 1.5 million individuals (1.453.858 to be exact). Compared to last year for the same month, this was again a growth of well over 10%.

And where do those visitors come from?

The top 5 countries of origin of our visitors are:

1) Netherlands

2) Belgium

3) Germany

4) France

5) UK

But the strongest grower is the USA (10-th in absolute figures), with a doubling of the number of visitors compared to last year.



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