The MAS DE CASTEL is a traditional and charming hotel, situated in the quiet of the countryside, just 3 kms south of the historical center of Sarlat, from where it is well-signposted following the direction of the Dordogne Valley or Gourdon.
It is in the heart of one of the most lovely tourist regions of France : the Périgord Noir.. Perched on a green hillside, the MAS DE CASTEL can offer you a peaceful holiday.
The hotel is situaded in a residential area just outside of Sarlat and was once an old farmhouse.
Now transformed, the hotel has become a friendly country inn with modern facilities but not losing its old charm. You will find that the nights are so quiet that you will awake just in time to have a quick swim before breakfast and find the time to enjoy life in the Périgord.
Fuente: Office de Tourisme Sarlat Périgord Noir
| | Pública | Alemán • Francés • Inglés • Italiano • Neerlandés
187 chemin du nid douillet, Sarlat-la-Canéda
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