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Fobbing Bombing Decoy

Bron: worldwar2heritage

Auteursrechten: All rights reserved


Documented in contemporary records, "Fobbing" was a World War Two "Oil QF" decoy parented by Shell Haven oil refinery, 2 miles (3.2 km) to the SE. QF decoys were an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to simulate the results of a night-time bombing raid on an oil installation. Ignited at the beginning of an attack, burning pools of oil and simulated "ring fires" from burning oil storage tanks would, hopefully, induce following bombers to drop their loads on this position, in open countryside, rather than that of the genuine installation. Control and electrical power for the ignition of the fires came from a substantial earth-covered "night-shelter", situated some distance away, which housed the generator and decoy manning personnel.


Bron: worldwar2heritage

Auteursrechten: All rights reserved

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Bron: worldwar2heritage

Auteursrechten: All rights reserved

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Bron: worldwar2heritage

Auteursrechten: All rights reserved

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