Nature walk Bavegem 12 km

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12.2 km
55 m

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Informació de la ruta

3961 visites | Pública | Neerlandès

Última verificació: 22 novembre 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

Nature walk Bavegem

12.2 km corresponds to 17428 steps !

This nature walk of almost 12 km runs on 5.2 km of paved roads, 3.2 km of gravel roads and 3.5 km of dirt roads. Wear appropriate footwear. Large parts of the walk are car-free. There are some dangerous crossings here and there. This walk is not buggy and wheelchair accessible. You can start anywhere in the course. Parking is available at the church of Bavegem (Hoge Hellesemweg 1, Bavegem). If you take the (non-signposted) approach route, you can also park on the market square in Sint-Lievens-Houtem. Around this large square there are several catering establishments (connection to market: 0.8 km).



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A la zona

Rutes a la zona

Allotjament a la zona

Serveis a la zona

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