Reivers Cycleroute Ponteland - Bellingham

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52 km
467 m

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Informació de la ruta

1612 visites | Pública | Neerlandès

Última verificació: 2 març 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

The Reivers Route crosses the north of England and starts at Tynemouth Abbey, near Newcastle on the North Sea. The route is a border route and runs largely over the border area between England and Scotland. You cycle through Northumberland, North Cumbria and even a short distance through Scotland. The Reivers Cycle Route runs almost parallel to the C2C and ends in Whitehaven on the Irish Sea. The place where the C2C or the Coast to Coast begins. Because the Reivers Route runs exactly the other way around and starts in Tynemouth, "the final place of the C2C" it is also called the return C2C. Length: 275 km
Detailed information about the C2C can be found on the Cycling-Britain website


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Aquesta ruta en la seva pàgina web

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