Musical itinerary : Gembloux - Bastogne

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174 km
2202 m

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1555 visites | Pública | FrancèsNeerlandès

Última verificació: 4 maig 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

The most famous musical city in Wallonia is undoubtedly Dinant. Even non-enthusiast quizzes can usually find the right answer to the question of where the saxophone cradle is. That is why this beautiful city on the Meuse should not be missed on this road. Dinant's logical approach is to simply follow the Meuse from Namur, but we won't do that this time, as there are a number of other musical icons related to this region. For example, a certain Jo Lemaire was born in the Gembloux, otherwise not so exceptional. If you want to hum 'I've come to tell you I'm leaving' at the most appropriate place at the beginning of this route in your helmet, you can let yourself go completely. André Brasseur is back in vogue, and rightly so. His native village Ham-sur-Sambre is only a short distance south of Gembloux, so we meander like a warm-up to the Sambre, the famous tributary of the Meuse. Just below Yvoir, the route plunges into the Meuse valley and we find ourselves in Dinant, the musical highlight of this trip. The rest of the tour explores the "Deep Ardennes", where the hunting horn still sounds regularly, especially in autumn. For example, you may come across a procession of horn blowers in Saint-Hubert at the appropriate time. Although you normally hear it at a sufficient distance.


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