McDonald's No. 1 Store Museum

Fuente: TonyTheTiger sur Wikipédia anglais

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

The McDonald's #1 Store Museum was housed in a replica of the former McDonald's restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, opened by Ray Kroc in April 1955. The company usually refers to this as The Original McDonald's, although it is not the first McDonald's restaurant but the ninth; the first was opened by Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino, California in 1940, while the oldest McDonald's still in operation is the third one built, in Downey, California, which opened in 1953. However, the Des Plaines restaurant marked the beginning of future CEO Kroc's involvement with the firm. It opened under the aegis of his franchising company McDonald's Systems, Inc., which became McDonald's Corporation after Kroc purchased the McDonald brothers' stake in the firm.

The actual restaurant was demolished in 1984, but McDonald's realized they had a history to preserve, so they built a replica. With golden arches placed over a glass and metal, red-and-white tiled exterior, the building largely follows the McDonald brothers' original blueprints, which they had introduced when they began franchising in 1953; a Phoenix, Arizona, restaurant was the first built in this manner. Kroc's restaurant was the first McDonald's built in a colder climate, and some adaptations were made to the design, including a basement and a furnace.



Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

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Fuente: TonyTheTiger sur Wikipédia anglais

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

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Fuente: TonyTheTiger sur Wikipédia anglais

Derechos de autor: Creative Commons 3.0

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