Many altimeters from Moulin-du-Ruy - Coo- Brume - La Gleize (592 m)

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Source: Panoramio

20.3 km
592 m

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Last verified: 25 January 2024

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A walk for hikers who want to break new ground !

Many heights : the route starts at 280 m and goes through the Dessus Roanne forest with a long first climb (3.5 km) up to 490 m , then a steep descent again (1 km - via Belvédère Thiry with a beautiful view) up to 235 m Coo where a first stop can be arranged.

The first part follows the LG6 trail marked by the green block , but deviates after 2.2 km.

From Coo begins the second long climb (5 km, start on the GR but then deviates from it) to 435 m in Brume for another long descent (4 km) to the lowest point of 215 m of the bridge over the Amel in La Venne . A third hard climb (1km) takes us back to 315m at La Gleize (possible ladder) and then (we follow the LG2 trail - the red block) a descent of up to 245m takes us along the lively river "Le Roannay" back up the start gate at 280m.

The highs/lows are all "even". Therefore, there are no "humps" that do not count in altimeters.

Also, check out the sightseeing information while you're there. They tell you what you can see!


Source: Willem Vandenameele


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