Scheldepolders - Green plan walk Antwerp

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Source: Groenplan Stad Antwerpen

Copyright: All rights reserved

5.2 km
13 m

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2976 views | Public | Dutch

Last verified: 3 March 2024
Translated by Azure

Description by the author

Starting location
Antwerpsebaan, near corner with path behind Verbrandstraatje
Accessible with:
Bus 671, 770, 771, 772, 778, 779, 780

This landscape once belonged to the natural floodplain of the Scheldt and was subject to flooding for a long time. Until the 16th century it consisted mainly of mudflats and salt marshes. Berendrecht and Zandvliet are located on a higher spur of the Kempisch Plateau and were then typical polder villages with some fields and floodable meadows around it. From the 17th century onwards, a landslide took place. The area was permanently diked and drained via a system of canals. However, the past as a flood zone is still tangible in the subsurface. After all, it consists of heavy wet clay soils.

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