Through the Zorgvliet domain and the Lakebossen in the Brugse Ommeland

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Source: Willem Vandenameele

11.6 km
50 m

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Last verified: 18 January 2023

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On this hike we explore a lesser known part of the Brugse Ommeland : Zorgvliet and Lakebossen.

We start at the parking lot , but a little further there is also a bus stop near the company premises.

A children's park with picnic tables invites you to take a break at the end of the hike. After an informative panel about World War II , in which this domain played a role, we walk down a few alleys to the Ice House, which is set up as a bat house but is not accessible. Over a wooden bridge we reach the pond , which is under nature protection, and the old garden wall.

We leave the domain for a few laps. We cross the Vlasbloemstraat . We are in an open field and past the farm Omwalde Koebroek we come to the edge of the village center of Ruddervoorde.

A little further on, at Café Den Hollander , we turn left towards the fields at Torendreef. After passing some farms, we reach the Heikewald, where some raised hides indicate the presence of game, including roe deer . With a bit of luck you can see them grazing in the meadow or jumping through the undergrowth.

We arrive at Lakebos and we have to open an iron gate that tells us that hunting is forbidden. It looks private, but it isn't. We continue along the Kortrijksestraat for a while to re-enter the forest. A little further is the Herz-Jesu-Kapelle . We pass Raepenburg Castle and return to Torendreef.

Now let's do this piece backwards . Where we first had a view of the Lakebos , we now have a view of the Ruddervoorde and Zorgvliet church. At the Kortrijksestraat we return to the parking lot.


Source: Willem Vandenameele


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