Kinney Lake Trail

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13.1 km
249 m

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137 views | Public | Dutch

Last verified: 9 May 2023
Translated by Azure

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Mount Robson is an imposing mountain. With almost 3,000 meters the highest peak of the Canadian Rockies, the area to which Jasper and Banff also belong. There is a visitor center near the entrance where a ranger informs us uncertainly about the bear population. She herself appears to be unenthusiastic about what can be seen in the park. When we ask what there is to experience, she says that we should go for a walk and look around ourselves. Something different from the rangers of National Park Service in the United States. There we often see an abundance of passion, knowledge and enthusiasm.

Through the park there is one big walk to several campsites: Berg Lake Trail. We decide to hike five kilometers to the first lake: Kinney Lake. The walk partly follows the bank of the Robson River. This one is noticeably less wild than the rivers we saw yesterday in Wells Gray. The second part of the walk is on an easy forest road. All around fragrant pines and thick cedars. Here and there we see a cheerful squirrel jumping.

Eventually we reach Kinney Lake. It is difficult to describe the color of the water in this lake. Azure? Crystal? Milky blue? The lake has an overwhelming color. This reminds us of Plitvice in Croatia and Joffre Lakes, which we saw a few days ago. Especially today, now that the sun shows itself regularly, the brightly colored water shines. We take a half hour break on a pebble beach. It is enjoying the silence, the sun and the majestic view of Mount Robson.

Mount Robson Provincial Park was not originally included in our schedule... And this was probably justified. Don't get it wrong: we had a nice day and the lake is really incredibly beautiful. But in recent days we were more impressed by the natural beauty in Canada. Habituation? Maybe.


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