B&B Chez Epicure

Overnight stay near Via Francigena for cyclists. Recommended by the Via Francigena organization.

Phone: +41244416424

Email: contact@chezepicure.ch

365 days/year, except variable holidays

How to get there:
When you reach Lignerolle, look for the church. We are located just behind it (between the church and the cheese factory)



Number of beds available: 9

45.- shared dormitory for 1 person

90.- shared dormitory for 2 people

60.- small room for 1 person

100.- small room for 2 persons

80.- large room for 1 person

130.- large room for 2 persons

bicycle and luggage depot,

Free access to sauna and wifi

Possibility to take meals. In the evening we offer a menu for CHF 25,- including a starter, a main course and a dessert. When booking, please advise of your restrictions (allergy, vegetarianism, veganism, veganism, etc.)


Comments Statistics

CH | | Public | DutchFrenchItalian


rue du Collège 2, 1357 Lignerolle, Vaud, Switzerland

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