Col des Planches – Legendary Mountain Passes Velo in Martigny

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Source: Tschubby

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10.4 km
907 m

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41 views | Public | FrenchGermanItalian

Last verified: 19 April 2023

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The first kilometres of climbing from Martigny are merciless: the road launches upward from the start and the slope never eases until Chemin-Dessous, the first village along the climb. A hairpin curve will offer you a few moments to breath and to shift your attention to the impressive view over the Rhone bend and the city of Martigny below. As you climb higher, the slope eases and you will discover the Forclaz Valley while climbing through larch trees. A brief flat section will give you a moment to save some energy before the final switchbacks bring you to the summit of the pass that will take you back down the mountain towards Vollèges.
The ten kilometres that separate the city of Martigny and the summit of the Col des Planches do not make this climb the longest of the region, but they are certainly some of the steepest with segments exceeding 15%. Located opposite the col de la Forclaz, the col des Planches connects you with the Val de Bagnes on a route where you will discover an exceptional panorama. The second half of the climb to the pass is less steep, and crosses the village of Chemin-Dessous while offering a prime view of the top of the Catogne. Just before the summit, the road passes through groves of old larch trees that are sure to enchant you despite the effort. Local specialities served at summit restaurant are worth enjoying before the descent.
Arrive in Martigny by train from all Swiss towns and cities (SBB) or by the regional trains Railway Mont-Blanc & St-Bernard Express.
Take the A9 Motorway exit E27 autoroute Martigny/Grand St. Bernard. At the roundabout, follow signs towards Col de la Forclaz / Chamonix (France)
Parking de la Porte d’Octodure at motorway exit. Follow the car-park routeing in Martigny.
We recommend: bike in excellent working order, helmet, gloves and bell, clothing suitable for the weather (always carry a waterproof), food and drink.
Use marked bike trails and routes only, and observe all signposting. Please close gates after passing through. Please be considerate to walkers and to plants and animals. As a rule, walkers have priority. When planning, take into account participants’ fitness level and ability. All riding is at one’s own risk.
Use marked bike trails and routes only, and observe all signposting. Please close gates after passing through. Please be considerate to walkers and to plants and animals. As a rule, walkers have priority. When planning, take into account participants’ fitness level and ability. All riding is at one’s own risk.


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