Col du Tronc – Legendary Mountain Passes Velo in Le Châble

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11.7 km
861 m

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81 views | Public | FrenchGermanItalian

Last verified: 19 April 2023

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From the Val de Bagnes, the Col du Tronc heads towards the summit of the Pierre Avoi through the mountain pastures. The 11.6 kilometres of climbing to 1,606 metres of altitude are on a steady slope for the length of the ascent. The peculiarity of this pass is that the second half of the course is on dirt road. Therefore, it will delight gravel bike users as well as adventurous road cyclists! At the summit of the pass, you have the possibility of turning left towards the Col des Planches below or right in order to climb to the summit of the Col du Lein just a few hundred metres above.
Leaving the village of Vollèges behind, the Col du Tronc takes you climbing quickly above the Val de Bagnes – the valley that is home to the famous mountain resort of Verbier. First as you pedal through meadows then forest, this climb allows you to view a unique panorama: the Catogne, the Tête de la Payanne and the Mont Rogneux are just a few of the summits that you can admire! Half-way through the climb, the paved road transforms into a dirt road, transporting you back to the early days of road racing when the “forçats de la route”, the hardened road riders of the era, would climb over the unpaved alpine passes. It’s a safe bet that you will take a few moments to pretend to be Gino Bartali or Fausto Coppi! At the top you will discover some stunning views of the Valais between coniferous trees at the top of the pass.
Regional trains on the Saint Bernard line to Etiez.
Motorway A9 to Martigny, take the right lane (E27 Grand Saint Bernard) and continue in direction to Verbier/Chamonix. At the roundabout, take the second exit direction Aoste/Gd-St-Bernard/Verbier. Then take the Route de la Vallée to Sembrancher and continue to Vollèges.
Parking at the village of Vollèges. Follow the local car park routeing in Vollèges.
We recommend: bike in excellent working order, helmet, gloves and bell, clothing suitable for the weather (always carry a waterproof), food and drink.
Use marked bike trails and routes only, and observe all signposting. Please close gates after passing through. Please be considerate to walkers and to plants and animals. As a rule, walkers have priority. When planning, take into account participants’ fitness level and ability. All riding is at one’s own risk.
Use marked bike trails and routes only, and observe all signposting. Please close gates after passing through. Please be considerate to walkers and to plants and animals. As a rule, walkers have priority. When planning, take into account participants’ fitness level and ability. All riding is at one’s own risk.


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