Trient Valley Tour Mountainbike in Salvan/Les Marécottes

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Source: Felix Sutter

Copyright: Creative Commons 3.0

52.3 km
1,800 m

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284 views | Public | FrenchGermanItalian

Last verified: 19 April 2023

Description by the author

Breathtaking panoramic views of Mont Blanc, wild and mysterious gorges, the spectacular Emosson Valley with its dams and dinosaur footprints, the Trient Glacier and the Glacier Des Grands, historic villages and a welcoming population. By taking the biking routes of the Trient Valley, you will to be amazed and delighted by the attractive features of this atypical area.
From Vernayaz (453 m), take the old Route des Diligences, the first historical route between Martigny and Chamonix, built in the middle of 19th century. Go through the villages of Salvan (934m) - Les Marécottes (1,030m) - La Médettaz (1,068m) - Le Trétien (1,021m) - Finhaut (1,224m) - Giétroz (1,360m) - Châtelard-Village (1,123m) - Châtelard-Frontière (1,116m) - Vallorcine (1,260m). From there leave the Route des Diligences and head on to Esserts (1,549m), then Tête Noire (1,199m) - Trient (1,231m) and the Col de la Forclaz (1,528m). Enjoy the breathtaking view of Martigny and Rhone plain. Continue through the small villages of La Fontaine (846m) – Plan Cerisier (600m). Then cross the vineyard to the medieval tower of La Bâtiaz (574m). Then continue in the direction of Vernayaz (453m).
Possibilité de le faire en plusieurs étapes grâce au train à crémaillère du Mont-Blanc Express (
A regional train is running every 30 minutes to Vernayaz (Simplon Line). 
Motorway A9, exit 21 Martigny-Fully, follow direction Martigny and then take the road to St-Maurice until Vernayaz.
Free parking at the train station Vernayaz MC, at the village entrance on the right.
We recommend: bike in excellent working order, helmet, gloves and bell, clothing suitable for the weather (always carry a waterproof), food and drink.
The route is crossing France territory, so don't forget your ID. Use marked bike trails and routes only, and observe all signposting. Please close gates after passing through. Please be considerate to walkers and to plants and animals. As a rule, walkers have priority. When planning, take into account participants’ fitness level and ability. All riding is at one’s own risk.
The route is crossing France territory, so don't forget your ID. Use marked bike trails and routes only, and observe all signposting. Please close gates after passing through. Please be considerate to walkers and to plants and animals. As a rule, walkers have priority. When planning, take into account participants’ fitness level and ability. All riding is at one’s own risk.


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