Pla de Petracos via Vall de Gallinera

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83.8 km
1,532 m

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550 views | Public | DutchSpanish

Last verified: 11 May 2023
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First pedal along the main roads to Pego, with a climb just after Sagra. After passing Pego on the ring road, there are 23 km of ascent to Margarida (not steep, on average 3%, maximum 8%). Then pedal over an undulating plateau (with shorter steep climbing sections of up to 12%) and in the famous cave Cova del Rull you descend steeply to Vall d'Ebo. At Vall d'Ebo, turn right and go up to Pla de Petracos. The climb has some steeper passages (up to 16%). But having reached the top, you enter the descent to a beautiful area: the path is flanked by rocks with caves in them. The Camino de Pla de Petracos leads to the quiet main road Castell de Castells - Benigembla. From here it is about 20 km gradually descending to Jalon.

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