Coll de Rates, Puerto de Confrides and Quatretondeta

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105 km
2,523 m

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822 views | Public | DutchSpanish

Last verified: 11 May 2023
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Description by the author

From Jalón follow the route clockwise. First you go by secondary roads through almond and orange trees to Parcent. And then comes the first climb of the day, the beautiful Coll de Rates. The descent is as beautiful (perhaps even more beautiful) than the ascent of Coll de Rates and takes you through the mountainous area around Tarbena and Bolulla.

The route then reaches Callosa d'en Sarria, the gateway to the busy coastal area towards Benidorm. But soon you will be out of the already busier Callosa d'en Sarria. You follow the Guadalest River downstream, and after a short descent to this river, you follow the climb of more than 6 kilometers to the beautiful village of Guadalest (ideal for a break). There is no descent, because it is already a fast climb: follow the CV-70, the main road Alcoy - Benidorm. Despite the fairly wide road, there is not much traffic on this road and it takes you through a beautiful mountain landscape, with finally the summit at just under 1000 meters altitude: Puerto de Confrides (also known as Puerto de Ares, or Puerto de Ares-Confrides).

The descent from the Port of Confrides is good (partly due to the well-developed road). Just before Benasau turn right and it is a steep climb on an inland road. Continue along this inland road to Quatretondeta and drive through beautiful scenery. The rather narrow inland road goes up and down continuously. In Quatretondeta you reach a main road (quite narrow). Here too, there is practically no traffic and this road also goes (to the next village: Facheca) continuously up and down with sometimes steep sections of up to 12% or a little more.

After Facheca you are still descending mainly (sometimes with a short intermediate climb) to Jalon, which is over a distance of about 26 kilometers.


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