Olot to Girona: Via Verda Carrilet 1 (traffic-free)

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Font: Vies Verdes

57,8 km
270 m

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Informació de la ruta

3512 visites | Pública | CatalàEspanyolFrancès

Última verificació: 3 març 2023

Descripció de l'autor

This easy to medium ride of 57km crosses 3 counties and 12 villages, along the river valleys of the Fluvià, Brugent i Ter Rivers. The Ruta del Carrilet Olot-Girona has a gentle downhill slope for almost its entire length, from Olot at 440m, to Girona at 70m of elevation. The highest point is the Coll d’en Bas, at 558 metres over sea level, which is reached in the early stages of the ride. The route, which is open to walkers, runners and cycle tourists, is built for the most part on an old narrow-gauge railway, and is in very good condition throughout, with new bridges, signage and infrastructure.

For more information on the Vies Verdes network, click here

To view our animated map video of the route, with photos, click here

Tags: Best touring bike holidays, cycling tourism Catalonia, bicycle trips Spain, E-Bike tours, E-MTB trails, gps & gpx tracks

For more information on cycling in Girona click here

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