Malton and Broughton Lane

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Source: Peter Church

Copyright: Creative Commons 2.0

4.59 mi
223 ft

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23 views | Public

Last verified: 7 February 2024

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A circular walk (part of which is easy access) from the market town of Malton in Ryedale. The route heads west, leaving the town via the footbridge over the A64 to explore a pretty woodland belt and a beautiful stretch of the green track, Broughton Lane with lots of wild flowers to enjoy in the spring and summer. This walk is published through a collaboration with Ryedale District Council. For more visitor information on the area including events and accommodation, go to The walk is relatively flat with just a few gentle gradients. The route follows a mixture of pavements, woodland paths and an unmade farm track, the latter two of which can be muddy after wet weather. There are no stiles, steps or livestock on route and the paths are all generous width. You will need to negotiate two field gates and two kissing gates, but the first of these is about 1.5 miles into the route, meaning it would be possible to take a rugged pushchair or disability buggy along this first stretch during the dry summer months. There are a few road crossings that need care, but the stretches that follow roads all have pavements or paths alongside. Allow 2 hours. There are public toilets in Malton Market Place at the start of the walk. If you are looking for refreshments you will be spoilt for choice with restaurants, pubs and cafes centred around Malton's Market Place at the start or end of your walk. OS Map: Explorer 300 Howardian Hills and Malton. This walk follows public footpaths and bridleways which cross private and public land. Please respect people's privacy, keep dogs under control and remember the Countryside Code.


Source: Visit Ryedale

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