Torso Alato Greve in Chianti

Source: Willem Vandenameele

This bronze statue of Igor Mitoraj - honorary citizen of Greve in Chianti - dates from 2001 and is 2 meters high. It has been on the square since 2002 and is personalized with a cup at the waist.

Mitoraj makes a "Winged Torso". The famous sculptor is known in Italy and the world for his characteristic "masks" and images of clear classical memories. Surrealism and quotations are mixed in his sculptures, creating effects of monumentality and mystery: as in many relics of antiquity, the figures are never whole, often have missing arms or body parts and are sometimes real compositions of fragments of images.

It is inspired primarily by the countries of antiquity such as Greece and Italy for the use of marble and bronze, but also by Egypt for its monumentality, without ever that constant allusion, often even ironic, to the concept of discovery and fragmentation. to lose that is typical of Greco-Roman sculptures.


Source: Willem Vandenameele

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Source: Willem Vandenameele

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Greve in Chianti

Source: Willem Vandenameele

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