Salaca, Latvia

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94.7 km
156 m

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Last verified: 5 January 2023

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The Salaca River flows out of the Burtnieks Lake and flows into the Baltic Sea. It is suitable for boat trips along the entire length. Boat trips usually are started in Vecate in boat centre or in water tourist camp, but it can also be started in any of boat centres of Burtnieks Lake by enjoying the mightiness of one of the biggest Latvian lakes.
From Mazsalaca is starting one of the most enjoyable sections of the Salaca. The river calmly flows along the Valtenberģi manor park, sandstone outsrops, rocks, caves, through Skaņaiskalns park where can be seen sightseeing objects made by nature and also by humans - Skābumbaļla, Velna Cave (Devil’s Cave), Vilkači pine (Werewolves’ pine), Love bridge and Dreams’ ladders are just a part of them. We recommend going ashore and to try unique echo near Skaņaiskalns rock. Further the boaters can see mighty Silmači outsrop and Dauģēni cliffs with the longest cave in Latvia. This section has also several well-equipped rest areas.
Below Staicele the most remarkable sightseeing objects are Vīksnu caves, Mērnieku rapids, Red cliffs with five projections – “horns”, of which the most impressive is Pietrags. In the cliff are formed small shallow caves and grottoes that are available only from the river side.
On both banks of the Salaca still about 3 km downstream from the Red cliffs can be found separate rock outcrops. On the right bank - stone pile and Upeskalns cliffs, a little bit further - Zvīguļi cliffs. After 2.8 km there appears 150 m long and 4-5 m high Junču cliffs, but behind them - Rostu cliffs with small caves and outcrops.
Salaca valley is a nature reserve and accommodation places may be installed only in places designated for that purpose, so for conveniences of water tourists in Salaca banks are installed 17 comfortable resting place, 13 of which are accessible by cars. Fishermen should remember that in Salaca is implemented licensed fishing and crayfish catching what determines catch limits and fishing tackle limits to ensure the protection of biodiversity and rational use of valuable fish stocks. Different territories of each municipality have determined their own licensed angling and crayfish catching procedures.

Keep important things in waterproof bag!
River behind you stays cleaner – take your waste along with you, do not leave them in camping sites!
Licences for fishing in the Salaca can be purchased in: Salacgrīva, 10A Rīgas Street (Salacgrīva Region TIC), +371 64041254, 26463025 Staicele, 13 Lielā Street, (Aloja Region TIC), +371 64035371, 27806452


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