During her travel to Brussels and Rome after her abdication in 1654 queen Christina probably stayed several days in the manor Toftaholm. There are strong indications that the Natt och Dag's who hosted her according to the chronicler Priorato, were lieutenant Carl Persson Natt och Dag and his wife Benedicta Posse, who lived here. Carl Persson was three year younger as Christina and a nephew of her former foster mother Christina Nilsdotter Natt och Dag. Anyhow Carl Persson as a member of the nobility had been present at the ceremonies of the abdication of Christina and the coronation of Karl Gustaf in Uppsala. Yet some questions remain. In the very period of Christina's visit at Toftaholm Carl Persson was in Uppsala for the meeting of the riksdag. So probably his wife hosted the queen by her own. In a letter to the new king queen Christina wrote she had to stay some time at the family Natt och Dag because of a pneumonia attack. The old manor of Toftaholm doesn't exist anymore apart from a small ruin. It was replaced by a vaste country house nearby, nowadays a modern hotel. (Photo: Jan Erik Anderbjörk.)
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